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MTX Blue Thunder PRO 4 канальный усилитель

Blue Thunder PRO50X4 Amplifier
MTX Blue Thunder PRO 4 канальный усилитель

  • Summed Output - a line level summed out put of the right front/right rear and left front/left rear input signals. Use this to drive an external subwoofer amp.
  • Gold-Plated, differential high-level inputs.
  • Larger Output MOSFETS, for superior performance at sustained loads.
  • New, more flexible ISO-FEET mounting. This simplifies the installation process.


RMS Power measured at 12.5 Volts DC:
25 watts x 4 into a 4 ohm load with less than 0.1% THD+N
50 watts x 4 into a 2 ohm load with less than 0.3% THD+N
100 watts bridged x 2 into a 4 ohm load with less than 0.3% THD+N

Dynamic Power (IHF-202 standard) measured at 14.4 Volts DC:
65 watts x 4 into a 4 ohm load
125 watts x 4 into a 2 ohm load
250 watts bridged x 2 into a 4 ohm load

Signal to Noise Ratio
> or = 110dB A-Weighted

Damping Factor:

Maximum Input
8 Vrms

Frequency Response
20Hz-20kHz ±0.25dB

Bass EQ
(0-18dB) centered at 45Hz

Variable 40Hz to 175Hz
HP or LP configurable

11" x 9" x 2" (27.9cm x 22.8cm x 5cm)
12-1/4 Wide Including IsoFeet (31.1cm)